Oregon State Police Burns Worksite receives award News July 5, 2017July 5, 20170 On Friday, June 30, Oregon State Police Superintendent Travis Hampston presented the Burns Worksite with the 2016 Worksite of the Year award. In presenting the award to Sgt. Brian Williams, Hampton praised the troopers for their work and stated, ‘This award means much more than words on a plaque. You are what Oregon State Police stands for.’ From left: Trooper Erich Timko, Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward, Trooper Randy Caldwell, Trooper Jim King, Major Andy Heider, Lt. Mark Duncan, Superintendent Travis Hampton, Sgt. Brian Williams, Captain Rob Edwards, Trooper Kerry Boggs, Trooper Tim Thomas, Trooper Casey Held, Trooper Dean Trent. (Photo by RANDY PARKS)