Chamber Music Society Scholarship audition results Arts and Entertainment Youth March 5, 2025March 5, 20250 Chamber Music Society of Harney County Scholarship auditions were held March l, 2025, at the Pioneer Presbyterian Church in Burns. Auditions were held Saturday morning followed by a recital open to the public at ll a.m. The music auditions have been an annual event since 1980. Chamber Music Society awarded four
Hi-Desert Swim Team at the Cascade East District Finals Sports Youth August 7, 2024August 7, 20240 Photos by KYLEE MURPHY The Hi-Desert Swim Team wrapped up their season at the Cascade East District Finals held in Lakeview, Friday-Sunday, July 26-28, 2024. Â Prineville Swim Team took first place with 1005.5 points, while host team Lakeview came in second, scoring 714.5, and the Hi-Desert Swim Team came in third
Head Start home based preschool applications include rural family visits Community Youth July 3, 2024July 8, 20240 Barbara Cannady for Burns Times-Herald If you are sensitive to the frequencies in your surroundings, you will immediately feel “good vibes” when you enter the Harney County Early Childhood Center. Donna Schnitker, Head Start Champion, was back in Burns recently checking up on her obsession. But the passion of caring for every
Summer reading begins at the library Community Youth May 29, 2024May 30, 20240 School’s out soon and you may be wondering what to do with the kids this summer. Here is a suggestion and the best part --- it’s free! Bring the kids to Harney County Library throughout June and July when we are once again presenting our summer reading program. Kids of all ages
Burns High School National Honors Society induction ceremony Community Youth May 1, 2024May 3, 20240 Inductees being introduced by NHS Secretary/Treasurer Kiera Huffman. Photos by Brenda Graham On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at the Burns High School Cafeteria, 26 students were inducted into the National Honors Society, joining 24 current BHS member. Current National Honors Society member include: Will Allen, Timothy Banks, Olivia Blute, Keaira Burns, Ayla Davies,
Harney County Fairgrounds center of fierce 4-H baking competition Community Youth February 15, 2024February 15, 20240 Â Twenty local youths participated in the recent first annual Harney County 4-H Baking Contest Day held on Saturday February 10 at the Memorial Building at the Harney County Fairgrounds. This event was open to all 4-H members and was organized by Stephanie Falck, 4-H leader for the Bake Believe Club. Prizes
Five Hi Desert wrestlers place at OWA State Championships Sports Youth February 7, 2024February 7, 20240 Five Hi Desert Mat Club wrestlers placed at the OWA Kids Folkstyle State Championships at the Oregon State Fair & Expo Center in Salem, on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 27-28. Hadley Gunderson took home the gold in the 14U girls 115-pound weight class. Wyatt Zipser (14U boys 87) and Amir Schouviller
PAJAMA DAY at the preschool Community Youth January 31, 2024January 31, 20240 Photos by TERRI WATTS The Early Childhood Center held their annual Pajama Day on Thursday, Jan. 25. As a special treat, Burns Chief of Police Steve Macartney and compliance officer Emerson Budreau, dropped by to read to Anna Wilson’s preschool promise class. The Early Childhood Center is always on the lookout for
Slater Grade School Reading and Art Night Community Youth January 24, 2024January 26, 20240 Photos by Terri Watts Henry L Slater Grade School hosted a Reading and Art Night on Thursday, Jan. 18. Families enjoyed book read-alouds, as well as, student artwork on display. Slater staff appreciated all the amazing volunteers who came to read for their students. Nearly 75 Slater Bulldogs attended the event
High Desert Park & Rec brings in the New Year in style Community Youth January 3, 2024January 3, 20240 High Desert Park and Recreation rang in the new year on Friday, Dec. 29, with a Rockin’ Roller Skate Event. Park and Rec have been holding roller skating nights every third Thursday of the month, this only changes if there’s a holiday skate or other events. Skate Nights are held August–May,