Crossroads of Harney County provides an update News February 15, 2023February 15, 20230 Submitted photos After six years of working and planning, Crossroads Ranch of Harney County began holding camps and lessons! This past year, Crossroads Ranch was blessed with a couple grants and large donations. The first was used to secure panels for the arena. The second was used to install Americans with Disabilities
Hilanders edge out La Pine at Districts Burns Sports Burns Wrestling Sports February 15, 2023February 15, 20230 Photos by DARBIE KEMPER Easton Kemper took first in the 170-pound weight class, and Joe Weil placed third. The Burns Hilander wrestling team overtook La Pine at the OSAA 3A Special District No. 4 tournament Saturday, Feb. 11, at Riverside High School in Boardman. Six Hilanders took home the gold and helped propel
Albert Michael Scott 1937 – 2023 Obituary February 15, 2023February 15, 20230 Albert Michael Scott passed away quietly, while family was near, in a hospital in Eugene, on Jan. 5, 2023. Mike (as he was known) was born March 17, 1937 in Burns, to Ray and Mildred Scott. He liked to fish and hunt and was very athletic, wrestling and gymnastics, swimming
Historical Society to host archaeologist Pat O’Grady Feb. 10 Community News February 8, 2023February 8, 20230 Submitted photos From L-R: The public is invited to the Burns Elks Lodge on Friday, Feb. 10 at 6 p.m. to watch a presentation by archaeologist Pat O'Grady. An archaeology site near Wagontire has unveiled significant evidence of habitation in Harney County as early as 18,000 years ago. Pat O’Grady will present
Efforts underway to address fire suppression, prevention, and restoration in Southeast Oregon Agriculture News February 8, 2023February 8, 20230 Photo by BRANDON MCMULLEN Aerial application of pre-emergent herbicide being applied August 2022. By Scott Barton for Burns Times-Herald One year ago, February 2022, the Harney County Wildfire Collaborative received $5 million from the Oregon Department of Forestry as part of Senate Bill 762 to address fire suppression, prevention, and restoration of sagebrush sea
Crane girls take down 4A top-ranked Baker Crane Basketball Crane Sports Sports February 8, 2023February 8, 20230 Submitted photo Kortney Doman led the Crane offensive attack, scoring 25 points. In a battle of No. 1 ranked teams, the class 1A Crane Mustang girls basketball team defeated the best team in the 4A ranks in Oregon with a 57-54 victory over the Baker Bulldogs in Baker City on Saturday, Feb.
David Richard Clemens 1945 – 2023 Obituary February 8, 2023February 9, 20230 David Richard Clemens, son of Betty and Pete Clemens, was born Jan. 12, 1945. He was born at the original Harney County Hospital stone building which still stands on North Egan Street in Burns. David grew up on the family ranch which still exists and remains in extended family hands
Locals are cautiously hopeful about this year’s snowpack Agriculture News February 1, 2023February 2, 20230 by Lauren Brown for Burns Times-Herald As we enter mid-winter, ranchers and scientists have reason to be optimistic about the water year, as current snowpack amounts are higher than normal. As of Jan. 1, snowpack numbers in Harney County are 176 percent of normal, according to data provided by the National Resource
Girl Scouts give back Community News Youth February 1, 2023February 1, 20230 Photo by ASHLEY GAROUTTE Local Girl Scout Troop 50142 has been busy giving back to the Harney County community! This group of generous, hard working girls donated 21 pairs of roller skates to High Desert Park & Recreation to help with the skate nights (pictured). The troop also donated $1,000 worth
Hi-Desert Mat Club hosts 2023 Jay Winn Memorial Buckle Classic Sports February 1, 2023February 1, 20230 Photo by BGMichael Images Wrestlers preparing for the 2023 Jay Winn Memorial Buckle Classic wrestling tournament, which was held on Saturday, Jan. 21. The Jay Winn Memorial Buckle Classic wrestling tournament was hosted by the Hi-Desert Mat Club on Saturday, Jan. 21, at Burns High School. The tournament featured more than 300