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Larson completes full marathon at Disney World

by Mollie Larson for the Burns Times-Herald

My name is Mollie Larson. I’ve been participating in runDisney races for a while now and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

Mollie at Disney World

In 2023, a runDisney employee from public relations saw me participating in the princess half-Marathon. She had asked me for an interview but I declined her interview to focus on my races, however, I promised her I would be back to run another race. At that time, I didn’t know when, but I knew I would come back.

When Stan (my husband) and I talked about me going back To Disney World, never in a million years did I imagine myself running 26.2 miles. A full marathon is one of the hardest races to complete, but I knew I was up for the challenge and I wanted to try it. I wanted to show the world, people with disabilities are capable of anything. 

In 2024 I registered for the full Marathon. When I received my email congratulating me, I couldn’t have been happier, but I knew the hardest part was just around the corner- the training part. 

I knew I had to train harder than everybody else since I don’t have arms to help with stability, so I needed to find ways to make my legs stronger.

I trained six days a week from cardio to extra leg exercises and running extra miles. Not to mention you have to change your eating habits, all of that would play a role throughout my journey. 

Every morning I was up at 1 a.m. and I was out of the house by 1:30 a.m. to go running. I needed my body to get used to the weather and time change, since I knew Florida is three hours ahead of us.

Fast forward to Jan. 4. Stan and I left for Walt Disney World so I can start training in the different climate, humidity, and of course, the time change.

Jan. 12 was the day of the race. I was ready to show the world what I could do, especially since I’d been training for so long, I wanted to show the world. Even though I don’t have arms, I was capable of doing the impossible. I wanted the world to know anything is possible when you work hard and believe in yourself.

I was in the last corral but not the last runner. I decided to get to the race early to make sure I was in front of the pack, not in the back that way when the race started for my section so I didn’t have to work as hard. 

Throughout the race a firefighter took me under his wing. He encouraged me to keep going. As long as I was moving I was going to cross that finish line. 

When I reached Mile 19 I couldn’t feel my feet anymore, I couldn’t feel my legs. The pain was intense, but I knew I had to keep going. I realized I hit the runner’s wall, I didn’t know if I was going to make it but I knew I had to keep pushing on. I was getting closer and closer to the finish line. I couldn’t give up, I wouldn’t give up, then I remembered what Stan always tells me, “If your feet burn, let them burn. You still have a lot to give. Dig deep until you find your strength again, fight for it.” So I did.

Once I reached mile marker 25 I knew I had 1.2 miles remaining but I was so tired I had nothing left in the tank. Once again I had to dig deeper to find that last bit of strength to get me to the finish line. Once I turned the corner I saw the finish line I knew I was there. Only 100 meters left, I couldn’t believe I was going to cross the finish line I was going to be forever known as a marathoner! Crossing the finish line was such amazing feeling a truly overwhelming feeling. 

I couldn’t believe I ran 26.2 miles in one day! I had done the impossible. All my hard work paid off. Every sacrifice we made paid off. It was one of the most rewarding feelings, especially because I put all the hard work into it. I never made excuses of why not to train and most importantly, I didn’t give up on my dream. 

I would like to take the time to thank the community for all those support, donations, and Ivy Warren arts and Antiques or letting people drop cans off, I would also like to thank my husband, Stan and my best friend ,Tammy Attleberger for being my inspiration and my heroes. 

Thank you Burns Times-Herald for allowing me to share my journey with the community. It has been an amazing journey, one I’ll never forget.

All dreams are possible when you believe and work hard. Dreams can come true.

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