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CattleWomen celebrate 70th annual Chuckwagon Breakfast Sat., Sept. 7, 2024

Servers at last year’s breakfast.     Photo by Terri Watts

Steak, eggs, pancakes and coffee are once again on the menu for the 70th annual Harney County CattleWomen (HCCW) Chuckwagon Breakfast on the Saturday of Fair Week, Sept. 7, from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the HC Chamber of Commerce.

HCCW began as the Harney County CowBelles in 1952-53. Celebrating 72 years as an active organization, HCCW mission and values remain dedicated to the conservation and care of ranching, education on beef nutrition, and promoting the beef industry.

Many are current members are daughters, granddaughters, or in-laws, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation HCCW of charter members of the county organization. These include surnames of Hotchkiss (Doverspike), Thompson (Nichols and Neumann), Otley (Carson and Stott), Miler (Dunten and Defenbaugh), Williams, and Stewart (Bentz).

HCCW members have served as Oregon CattleWomen officers. The first OCW president in 1952 was Ilda May Hayes, of Harney County. Others have followed, most recently, Melodi Molt, and soon-to-be-installed Morgan Kromm. Bernice McGee was the sole Harney County CattleWomen member to hold a national ANCW office, that of secretary.

The Fair Chuckwagon Breakfast continues to be an important fundraiser and community get-together during fair time. 

The invitation to the public is basically the same, too. “We hope to see all the cowhands, cowgals, and city dudes from miles around headin’ this way,” proclaimed one news note from 1955. “Bring big appetites.”

It was reported that the then CowBelles were planning a breakfast which they “promised as a big, new public feature of fair week”. The first breakfast served approximately 300 people 

An August 1956 news article notes that “CowBelles are in town making plans for their Chuckwagon Breakfast, now a fixed annual feature” of fair. Over the next four years, attendance increased. “Guest cooks” were added to the venue – Stockgrowers members, community leaders, and husbands.

Sourdough hotcakes made their appearance on the menu in 1960, prepared by Julio Urizar, with hot coffee served by Avel Diaz. 990 guests were served a breakfast of steak, eggs, sourdough hotcakes, coffee, and juice. Harney County appetites have looked forward to this lineup on the Saturday of Fair Week ever since.

The Fair Court made their appearance at the 1955 breakfast, but it wasn’t until 1973 that Fair Court speeches became a part of the Chuckwagon Breakfast activities, thanks to then Fair Court advisor Georgia Marshall. 

The cooks this year will again be Drewsey ranchers. Volunteering for over 40 years, most of these men are related to the first CowBelles from the 1950’s, and are 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation breakfast volunteers. Cook emeritus’ Terry Williams and Charles Dunten are there to greet folks in the breakfast line, and Janice Dunten and daughter, Jaylene Krueger, are the pancake makers.

Several years ago a silent auction was added to increase the scholarship fund. High school seniors and past graduates of Crane High or Burns High are encouraged to apply.

This 2024 CattleWomen Chuckwagon Breakfast is led by HCCW Breakfast Chair Nicole Adamson. She and over 30 active members will be on hand early Saturday morning. HCCW Scholarship students are a part of the breakfast serving crew as well.

Prices are $15 for 12 years and older; under 12 are free. Tickets are available at the Chamber of Commerce the morning of the breakfast. 

(Information taken from news articles recorded in the CowBelles scrapbooks on file at the Harney County Museum, years 1953-1962.)

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