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Telos Development plans to build 180-new homes in Burns and Hines

Barbara Cannady for Burns Times-Herald

Housing shortages have pushed home prices beyond the imagination. Rising interest rates compound the issue of affordability for local homebuyers. One or the other must give.  Developers are responding to these issues with proposed new subdivisions within the cities of Burns and Hines.

Property owner Telos Development Company, LLC, has requested to have zoning changed and the comprehensive plans updated for a property that straddles both cities. Depending upon the location, the request would update the zoning from Light Industrial or Commercial to Multi-Family Residential Zoning.

Telos is recognized locally for the Rite Aid store and Quail Court Apartments. Both projects have had a positive impact on the local tax base.

A statement of intent for Hines residents reveals the “purpose behind the multi-family designation is to allow for an array of housing types and lot sizes.  The primary housing product proposed is to be single-family, but there may be opportunities for some duplexes. This designation also allows for flexibility on lot sizes which provides an array of single-family-housing types that target a wide range of income levels.  The specifics of home types and lot sizes will be addressed at the time of subdivision application.”

With approval of zoning changes, what will be proposed as Palmer Subdivision includes one hundred new homes in Hines and eighty new homes in Burns.  The property is located between the Grocery Outlet-Big R shopping center and the nature trail. Access would be through South Imperial Avenue and Grant Streets.  

Hearings to address potential zone changes and changes to comprehensive plans will be held on Tuesday, June 4, at 5:30 p.m., for Hines and Wednesday, June 5, at 6 p.m., for Burns, at their respective City Halls.

In an effort to smooth the planning and permitting process for growth developments, there will be a meeting between building officials of the State, County and the Cities of Burns and Hines. Topics of discussion will include plan reviews, oversite qualifications, certifications and fees as well as other potential issues of conflict.  

Stay tuned as the Burns Times-Herald follows these complex processes as they occur.

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