HDH working to prevent spread of flu-like illness Health Care News February 7, 2018February 8, 20180 Due to widespread influenza-like illness in Harney County, Harney District Hospital (HDH) has placed temporary restrictions on visitors to protect the health of patients. These restrictions are for visitors only. As always, anyone needing medical care is allowed entry at all times. Anyone entering the hospital to visit a patient must stop at the admitting desk to be screened. They will be asked, “Have you had a fever or temperature of 100 degrees or greater within the last 24 hours?” and, “Do you have a cough or sore throat?” If the answer to both of these questions is “no,” a visitor sticker will be issued, which must be worn for the duration of the visit. Visitors can also expect to be given gloves, a mask, and a gown, as necessary, when visiting with a patient under certain precautions. This is to protect them from illness. Anyone 18 years of age and younger will be denied access to patient care areas of the hospital. (Exceptions will be allowed in extraordinary circumstances.) It is strongly recommended that those 18 years and younger not visit the Harney County Health District campus unless they are receiving care. The restrictions will be re-evaluated daily, and it will be posted immediately when they have been lifted. If you have any questions, please call HDH at 541-573-7281.