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Budget shortfall has county sheriff intending to resign

by Dave Ward,
Harney County Sheriff

Citizens of Harney County, sheriffā€™s office staff, and commissioners, the Harney County Sheriffā€™s Office is not currently funded or staffed to provide adequate law enforcement or search and rescue services necessary to the citizens of Harney County. As well, our severely outdated county jail is not only underfunded, but is out of compliance with the standards required by law, and has been understaffed for years. Our jail staffing levels fall below the lawful minimum staffing levels per shift for the state of Oregon.

Due to the countyā€™s current budget cuts, the sheriffā€™s office is subject to significant cuts in funding. These cuts come on top of the 10 hours of furlough time per month being deducted from the paychecks of our county employees and elected officials. With cuts to our budget, instead of being able to fix the issues our jail faces, these cuts will compound the situation.

I am no longer willing to accept the civil liability associated with the failure to appropriately fund/staff our jail, search and rescue, or law-enforcement services to our community. These are not frivolous expenditures, they are duties and responsibilities of the sheriff, mandated by law.

I am not willing to cut services to the citizens of this community, nor am I willing to continue operating a jail that is not funded to meet the minimum standards required.

In my assessment, the only way for the county to overcome the current budget crisis is by eliminating employee positions. If a person needs to be eliminated from our sheriffā€™s office, then I choose for that person to be me.Ā  My recommendation to the citizens of Harney County and our county court is to appoint one of our Harney County deputies to the office of sheriff, and not backfill the vacant deputy position.

It is my opinion that our citizens deserve better service for their tax dollars than a cut in law-enforcement services and an underfunded jail that will most likely be shut down in the near future for failure to meet the minimum lawful requirements.

It is my intent to resign from the office of Harney County Sheriff on Dec. 31 of this year. I would like to thank the citizens of Harney County for your support over the years. It has been an honor serving you.

9 thoughts on “Budget shortfall has county sheriff intending to resign

  1. Underfunded jails and correctional facilities are a problem everywhere. People expect law enforcement to be there 24/7 which it should be. But, understaffing correctional officers or working them hours and hours of mandatory overtime is the perfect storm for a huge lawsuit, plus it’s putting good men and women’s lives at risk. Prisoners study the routine. They know the perfect time to attack staff. A poorly staffed jail isn’t a matter of “if the staff are attacked, injured or killed,” it’s a matter of WHEN staff will be attacked, injured or killed.
    Those dedicated to serve and protect simply want to go home to their loved ones at the end of their shift like everyone else. In my opinion this is NOT the place to cut funding in any government agency whether it’s city, county or state. Blue Lives Matter too.

  2. This is the best news ever. Maybe he will get another job since he is a coward and doesn’t stand up for the people’s rights at all. He protects the State and their interests and the Feds and theirs. Glad he will be leaving. Big improvement for Harney County.

  3. Such a sad situation facing such a competent, caring and ethical law enforcement officer. Dave Ward you deserve better and so does your community. You have been wonderful to work with from Deschutes county on animal welfare issues… plus you just a good human being!

  4. News to Dave…. I know you don’t like following laws and regulations and the Constitution, but your poet position is not a oppointable position, it’s VOTE in. And good riddance to you and your corruption!

  5. for truth about the Bundy bs plus much more. Cliven Bundy is played by Tboone Pickens and Finicum is Ed Harris. Woman arrested is Patty Hearst and the Oregonian is a Hearst newspaper.

  6. Dave, for every mean-spirited soul making comments like this, there are thousands who hold you in the highest regard. Please don’t leave law enforcement forever, you are desperately needed and respected for who you are.

  7. Harney County, TOTAL population of just over 7,000 people
    Policed by
    The Sheriffs Department,, The Piaute Tribal Police, The Burns Police, The Hines Police, The Highway Patrol, The State Troopers, – just how much law do you high desert dwellers need?

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